• CREATE: Create your artwork!
  • GIVE: Give your artwork and be a part of our BOOK!
  • SHARE: Share the book with your friends and family and explain why cord preservation so important at birth!



 Click here to preview and order your copy! 

A fabulous way to GIVE and SHARE a wonderfully CREATIVE gift full of art, classic nursery rhymes and stories (and, of course, a few facts on cord blood for the parents).

Core to our program is the publication and distribution each year of a FULL-COLOR COFFEE TABLE STYLE BOOK which features artwork from our Young Artists (see How to Participate). This is a collaborative project with your child on center stage.  Our goal will be to make something BOLD and BEAUTIFUL that really showcases their hard work!!! As much as possible, we will give equal billing to all artwork.  To help identify works while still retaining privacy, each artwork will be simply labeled with the child’s first name, last initial and age.

The book will also include basic information about the life-saving medical benefits of cord blood and how we at Save the Cord Foundation are working to advance cord blood awareness and make saving cord blood the standard of care for all newborns.

Please note, each child is only allowed to have one artwork featured in the book unless he/she has also participated in the Young Artists Program via a registered group or teacher (see group rules).